In the end, what means the most are the simple words
and simple gestures that come from the heart.
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Richard Armitage in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" |
A few days ago, Lanie - aka @bff222 - and I were tweet talking, and we arrived at the same place in some sort of simultaneous realization that we need to thank Richard Armitage.
At the very least, he brought the two of us together in the land of Twitter, along with an army of others, all of whom have been celebrating together these past few days to see this man take the world stage with unsurprising grace, aplomb and humor.
I said I was planning to send a letter. I love to write letters because they mean so much. And Lanie said she would write a thank-you note, too.
Then an idea hatched.
What if we made a card that each person could print, sign and mail to one of us (me!), and then I would ship off a beautiful package of thank-you letters from all of us who have been watching, attending and cheering together from around the world.
Yes, we want to make this a global thank you.
I put together a very simple card, showed it to Lanie and we are ready to go.
Oh, what's on the card? Two pictures, one of which you see here. You know the scene; it's the hug.
Yeah, that scene.
And then just the words "Thank You."
How do you join in this global thank you for Richard? Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is easy.
1. Click here to go to my site,, for a password-protected page.
2. Once there, click to download a high-resolution PDF or low-resolution JPG file and print it on a letter-sized piece of paper.
3. Write something on it. It's your note to Richard. Remember, there's also the back of the paper, too. :)
4. Sign it.
5. For fun, write where in the world you are. Just the country is fine or you can be more specific. I think he would appreciate seeing how he has brought so many of us together from around the world.
6. Put it in an envelope addressed to me (instructions on the protected page).
7. Before you seal it, if you can add a nickel, dime or quarter - or in whatever currency you might have - to help with postage, that would be great. (But if you can't, don't worry about it!) Any money over and above the cost will be donated to one of Richard's Just Giving charities. It's a win-win for everyone.
8. Seal it, mail it and maybe let me or Lanie know it's on its way, either here in comments, over on Twitter or by email listed on the protected page.
Our target collection date? Let's aim for getting your letter in the mail by Dec. 31, earlier if you are in a country outside the U.S.
Once I have all the letters I know are coming, I will get the package in the mail to Richard's agent in the U.K. My target date on that would be the week of Jan. 7, 2013.
What's that you say? Oh, that's right. You need a password to get in. I bet you could guess for I couldn't resist.
Dec. 28, 2012 update: Thanks to Frenz at for posting a few more words from me about this. You can read it here.
Fantastic idea Janine! :)
Lanie and I, we got twinsie brains! ;)
Can I just say how much I LOVE THIS IDEA???? Count me in!
Oh, now I know we are in trouble! :D Happy you like it, although I am now worried that I have fallen into the deep end of the kiddie pool since you approve of the idea! LOL
There is also the Hobbit Gift Bombing campaign on his JustGiving pages already going on for the past few weeks on other blogs...
Sweet! Love this! Contributed twice before to a birthday project! Thanks girls great idea,
Judiang - Yes, there is! Here's the link, if anyone wants to contribute in honor of the movie release:
As noted in the post, if there is any money sent over and above the postage costs, it will be donated to one of these charities listed on Richard's Just Giving page.
Fanny, thanks! The more the merrier as we show Richard how one person can weave so many lives together.
I completely forgot that I owe you a picture!!! I'm in the middle of my RP Standring Bridal Shower (we'll get married this Saturday), but I will get back to you later.
Come on down and join the celebration!
It's lovely! I wish I could be part of it....
I'll just have to do some math :P
I await your picture, chattypatra!
My dear vec (? :) ), if you mean RA's Just Giving charities, he's had them for a long time. So someday is always a possibility. I do hope you can pop off the thank-you note. No money, except for a stamp! Thanks for reading.
I'm in, girl.
How...Spectacular!!!!! What a Great Idea!!! ...yeah, another Newbie...Thank-You for thinking of us to share w/ you! I will send to you in Dec 28 mail...If too late, just scribble my name on a piece of paper w/ a ..smiling heart..!!! THKS, "MOM"!!Humma H.,Manassas, VA,USA.
Well, thanks Humma. Yours should arrive just fine! I'll be looking for it. And welcome, newbie. Are you a Thorin initiate? Or something slightly older? :D
I'm glad you are in, lovemrthornton and anon!
It is a merry gathering, indeed.
"MOM"!! I got help! IT worked ! He's my very own Gnome...!! BUT.....what's this about..."Older Initiate"!!??!!! I don't know WHAT u mean! HA!! 1st son is 1yr,1mon. younger than Mr. Armitage...and...just as bloody TALL and THIN!!!! Ah, well GNMommys are cool, too...! THKS again!...GNhumma H.
You crack me up! I have no idea what half of that means, but I am so glad you are in! :D
I would like to join but I read this today and could send the letter on Dec31. But I am from Germany so I don't know if it would arrive soon enough... So what do you think. Should I send a letter or is it to late? Great Idea btw!!!
Send it, Mixi! I know it is coming, so I will wait for it. :)
Hi Darling, I'm sending out my card tomorrow, so I hope it reaches you in time :)
What a wonderful idea, you crazy Armitage nuts!
Finally my letter is on the way to you! Hope it will reach you in not much more than a week. For now I wish a happy 2013 to you and all RA fans!
Finally in the process of getting this done. Thank you!!
I just sent you the letter by e-mail. :-)
Thanks a lot Janine. :-)
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